Our activities
The informational base of Mediateka of The Russian museum and technical equipment of informational-educational center “The Russian museum: virtual branch” give wide range of opportunities of organizing various types of educational work with various groups of visitors. Centers are meant for both individual visitors and groups.
There are special events organized for the visitors of the multimedia cinema and informational-educational class:
- screenings of the films about The Russian museum (according to timetable or on special order) for individuals and groups as of a part of educational cycle;
- thematic classes on orders from students, teachers, parents, retired people;
- distant education for teachers of world artistic culture on art history;
- pedagogic internships for students, attendance in making diploma and senior projects;
- course raising the level of museum workers’ skills (educating young workers, school teachers);
- “mobile museum”: lectures held outside of centers: at schools, other museums, libraries, factories and enterprises;
- study groups (for lecturers, guides, art lovers etc.), studios (web, design etc.), clubs (family, students’, weekend clubs etc.);
- festivities, exhibitions, contests;
- individual work in informational-educational class, informational cervice for individual visitors.
Informational-educational center “The Russian museum: virtual branch” is a base for various types of work with audience, not just traditional ones. Its potential gives wide opportunities for creative solutions of the issue of attracting visitors – workers of the regional centers work out and realize new author’s projects. You can learn more of them visiting pages of the portal dedicated to regional centers’ activities.
Organization and holding of various events that are meant to increase the effectiveness of virtual branches’ work and make the interraction among participants of the project including The Russian museum better are included into the project “The Russian museum: virtual branch”. Those are:
- Seminars for the workers of the branches
- Videoconferences between The Russian museum and virtual branches
- Virtual exhibitions
- Educational and enlightening projects
Each year The Russian museum collects reports on activities of informational-educational centers “The Russian museum: virtual branch” from the Russian cities and from abroad.